
Programs to promote nurturing and responsive caregiving, such as those in which community health workers (CHWs) conduct home visits to support optimal early child development (ECD), have been effective in small trials, but have not achieved similar success at scale. This study will explore two approaches to scale-up: converting a home-visiting model to a group-based model; and integrating the ECD curriculum into an existing government program.  The objectives of the study are to: 1) Measure how the integration of ECD activities affects time and task allocation of CHWs and CHW psychosocial wellbeing; 2) Examine how the integration of ECD activities affects caregiver-child dyad participation in standard health and nutrition activities; and 3) Explore how the availability of age-appropriate play materials at home affects caregiver-child dyad participation rates in a group-based ECD program.


Emanuela Galasso (World Bank), Lisy Ratsifandrihamanana (Early Child Development Specialist, Madagascar ), Ann Weber (University of Nevada, Reno)


Scaling up book sharing (EMERGE, Kenya)


Group-based parenting sessions (Msingi Bora, Kenya)