Conditional cash transfer programs (Mexico)
In Mexico, in collaboration with researchers at the Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica and other institutions, we found benefits of conditional cash transfer program participation for children at 3-5 years, as well as 8-10 years old.
Conditional cash transfer programs (Ecuador, Peru, Tanzania, Brazil)
Conditional cash transfer programs have the potential to pull families and individuals out of extreme poverty, as well as providing incentives for accessing health care services for populations that are particularly at risk.
Living wage intervention (Dominican Republic)
Workers in the living wage intervention received a 350% wage increase, and were compared with workers at a matched apparel factory. Data were collected via in-person interviews at baseline and endline, which was 15-16 months after workers were initially hired at the intervention site.
Parental engagement in preschools (Malawi)
In the current study, we test the effectiveness of a range of quality improvement interventions at informal preschools in Malawi on early childhood development and primary school readiness, using a cluster-randomized controlled trial (cluster-RCT).
Scaling up book sharing (EMERGE, Kenya)
In this study, we used a randomized controlled trial to examine effects of book distribution and support for book sharing to provide support for parents, and cognitive stimulation for children in rural Kenya.
MAHAY Mikolo (Madagascar)
This study explores two approaches to scale-up: converting a home-visiting model to a group-based model; and integrating the ECD curriculum into an existing government program.
Group-based parenting sessions (Msingi Bora, Kenya)
This study, funded by NICHD, assessed the most effective and cost-effective model of delivery for an integrated stimulation and nutrition intervention to improve parenting practices and child developmental outcomes among families with young children in rural Kenya.
Integrated and holistic child development intervention (RINEW, Bangladesh)
The aim of the RINEW project (Research on Integration of Nutrition Early child development and WASH) was to design and evaluate a multi-component early child development intervention and pilot its scale-up through the government health system in Bangladesh.
Mobile technology for community health workers in India (CAS)
In this study, we examined an at-scale mHealth intervention for community health workers (Anganwadi workers) in India, with the goal to improve outcomes for women, infants and young children.
Assessing California Communities’ Experiences with Safety Net Supports Survey (ACCESS)
Our goal is to promote equity by understanding the reasons for disparities in access to income support, and in this study we aim to capture levels of awareness, barriers to uptake, and benefits of participation in the EITC among low-income families with young children.
Scaling up support for early child development (MAHAY, Madagascar)
This study is aimed at understanding the best ways to support children living in poverty and facing multiple risk factors.
Water, Sanitation, Hygiene, Nutrition (Bangladesh & Kenya)
The WASH Benefits Bangladesh and Kenya cluster-randomized trials represent a large-scale collaboration, with colleagues from UC Berkeley, UC Davis, Stanford, Emory, Johns Hopkins, and the ICDDR,B in Bangladesh.